What is the Fastest Way to Relieve Severe Tooth Pain?

Most people have experienced tooth pain at some point in their lives. Perhaps the pain came in the form of a cavity that had gone ignored a little too long or via a chipped tooth that occurred due to a facial injury. Whatever the reason, the best way to address severe tooth pain is toContinue reading “What is the Fastest Way to Relieve Severe Tooth Pain?”

A Few Signs You Must Visit an Emergency Dentist

While dental issues often come with pain or discomfort, it can be difficult to determine which are normal aches and pains that can wait until your regularly scheduled dental appointment and which necessitate a visit to an emergency dentist. In particular, if you begin experiencing issues at night or outside of your dentist’s regular businessContinue reading “A Few Signs You Must Visit an Emergency Dentist”

What Causes Gum Recession?

Taking care of your gums is just as important as taking care of your teeth. Your gums have the important jobs of supporting your teeth and protecting their sensitive roots. If gums begin to recede, this can leave the teeth vulnerable and poorly supported. It’s vital for everyone to know the common causes of gumContinue reading “What Causes Gum Recession?”

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